Moment in Time 10

I have been doing this blog series for a while now and there is one moment I have forgotten about which is strange because most people view as it the turning point of the Monday Night Wars. Not Austin 3.16 promo but Survivor Series 1997: Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels in Montreal. The match that is known as the Montreal Screw job. Bret was World Champion and he was leaving because his contract was to much for the WWF at the time to pay so Vince told him go to WCW. One problem Bret didn't want to lose the belt in Montreal he wanted to vacate the title, and he especially didn't want to loss the title to Shawn. Shawn & Bret had real life hatred for each other Vince didn't want another incident like what happened when his Women's title was thrown in the garbage to happen; so Vince had to get the title off Bret and he did the only thing that was left to do: Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels SS 97 Vince McMahon Interview Shawn Michaels & Bret Hart DVD


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