The Post Part 1

The aspect of principle isn't very present in today society meaning principles and moral don't care the same weight nowadays as they used to and that is a problem. Because people don't care about anyone but themselves and that has changed the world into a very scary place. The principle of this post is that somethings aren't meant to just be cared about for a month and should always be cared about and taken extremely seriously. 

It’s Showtime folks”  this phrase has rang out from one man so many times over the years and now it is being used for a different purpose as we are about to get real. “If I could be serious for a second” being professional sucks, the idea of staying with a certain “box” just because I am on a website is bogus, and believing everything you read on the internet makes you delusional. Everything you read on the internet……. Hmmm that is an interesting concept. By the way if you have problem with this post having nothing to do with wrestling then well click off now, because I really don’t care.

Since the start of the 2000’s not only has an internet boom taken over the technology talks, but when social media came into play it took hold of the youth and still hasn’t let go. Now I can speak from experience social media is addicting and it makes feel like you clued into everything, but the problem is everything on social media is permanent. That is what lead to a skyrocketing of teenagers taking their own life in recent years. In my opinion people under the age of 14 shouldn’t be anywhere near social media, because they too young I don’t care if their friends are on they shouldn’t be as it just isn’t right. The social media sites aren’t going to do anything and parents have to stop blaming others for not taking care of their kids or being the cause of bad things their kids do, because when are they at fault for not being a good parent/s

I have come to realize that social media is a great thing when used right and by people who aren’t in chat rooms or hiding something from those who inhabit the internet. The internet has made it harder for people within the public eye to keep a secret and not for normal people to do so. Mainly the focus of this was meant to make you think about you use social media and well the issues that trouble teens of today. I know it’s a touchy subject, but like I have said many time in the past “If you don’t talk about it then its forgotten about.” In this case it’d be forgotten about by you, but that doesn’t mean everyone forgets or moves on as not everyone can.


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