Everything Evolves Part 2

This post wasn't suppose to happen at this point, but it was suppose to happen eventually the reason for the change is because I found another reason to write this post. Recently I have seen a lot of negativity on social media which in this day and age shouldn't be a surprise for me anymore, but when I see it among my followers and in some cases people who have supported me and that pains me to see.

Over the last year or two I have tried to be very open and honest with the personal battles I have gone through and how I have changed since January of last year. But the only problem is what worked for me may not work for everyone. As I have seemingly found solace in writing which is what I really do when I am feeling down and sometimes I just write for hours on end. That writing "quality" is the reason that at this point and time I still have over 10-12 unpublished articles that I wrote earlier in the year still hiding somewhere in my archives. The reason they had laid and some still lay in my archives is because I got side tracked by personal battles again, but it wasn't as bad this time.

This was around the time a particular video showed up on my channel which showed that Wrestling Express would be going home on July 14, 2016. The truth is I was going home and what I mean is that on January 29, 2015 I felt joy that I have not felt since that day because that was the night that I purchased the domain name Wrestlingexpress.net and then everything would change. After I purchased that name and realized I owned my own website everything changed in my mind as I felt like I had finally accomplished something in my life. But where did that feeling go? Well it was replaced by the idea that since I have still not made a dime off the website and I keep hearing the statements that "It's a hobby until you make money" or "The site won't make enough money for you to live on." I took it as criticism instead of motivation and I thought that I had failed. 

Then after a few months of feeling down and also editing I started to hype the relaunch of Wrestling Express. Boy was the relaunch well received!! Because in the first 3 weeks of the "repackaged" site we hit over 1,000 views on 5 separate occasions and the feeling of failure left because of it. This feeling was replaced by joy and that joy was thanks to each and every one of you.  

You have helped me more than you will ever know and I am forever grateful to each and everyone of you for that. I know I have said this on more than one occasion and though some might be tired of hearing it I wouldn't be doing this without you and seeing that so many of you value my opinion and care about the writing that I do every day is so very humbling and something I will cherish forever. But that is also the reason why if I can be there for you I would do whatever I can do be there even if it is just by giving you a stage to express your opinion on the profession we all love it doesn't matter if it be spoken or written I would be more than happy to do either. The reason is because I owe you all everything the happiness I have now and if I can give it back to you in anyway well I think Dusty Rhodes said it best: "The kindness and the love that you have given me I will repay you now." That quote for his Hard Times promo is one of the many reason I still think of Dusty as an idol and someone to mirror yourself off. If I can repay you after all you have done for me over the last two years almost I would be more than happy to do it, because without you I don't know where I'd seriously.. Thank You from the bottom of my heart for everything. But this isn't end things are just getting underway and I need you to stick with me as this Roller Coaster isn't fun if I am on it alone!! 


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