Wrestlemania Rewind

Even though Wrestlemania is still far enough away that only one match has been set that being the World Title match between Orton & Batista. Other that nothing has been set but that doesn't mean that it's to soon to look back some great matches from the last 30 years of Wrestlemania. Over the course of the next 42 days I will be taking a look back at numerous matches that have taken place over the last 30 years of Wrestlemania. I thought why not start our look back at Wrestlemania's of the past with looking back at a match from Wrestlemania 19 and it was for the WWE Championship. The match is by far one of my favorite matches of I have ever seen, Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title. I can do all the talking I want about this match but I don't think there is much I can say other then I will let the match do my talking for me.

Just Watch And Enjoy:


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