How I would book Part 7....... Rebirth of Extreme

Tuesday November 7 ECW on SC-FI: (If you missed it or need a refresher)
Highlights of the ending of the show last week, Kid Kash def. Jamie Knoble (Post Match: Elijah Burke walks out and says to Kash “I am the guy that deserves to be on TV every week because I am the best thing this company has. Kid Kash you were good once and you may have even been an up and comer but now you will be the next victim to feel the Elijah Experience.” After he finished Kash attempted his trademark plancha but Burke moved and Kash caught himself before going through with it. JTG def. Daivari, Announcers plug Punk’s actions from last week and Taz once again tells Punk “to not piss Tommy off to much because you will regret it.” Justin Credible def. Kid Kash ends after a distraction from Elijah Burke, Matt Striker interviews segment with RVD (touches on his feelings facing Credible), Shelton Benjamin & Masked Man def. BWO (Shelton pins Nova), CM Punk walks down with a mic and says “ECW a brand that started a Revolution, a brand that many say became a lifestyle well that lifestyle made wrestling a joke and ECW was a laughing stock. People say there are certain days in history that will live in infamy well that day when ECW officially went under I was happy because I knew this business was done being embarrassed by drug addicts, alcoholics, clowns trying to be a wrestler. That’s right when ECW died I was happy the only thing that would have made me happier is if I was able to kill it. Tommy I know you can hear me, because I know anytime someone wants to try and kill ECW they have to go through the Great Tommy Dreamer well let’s see how great he is after I do this. (Waves to the back to signal someone, outcomes Gordy & Mr. X with a flag that says ECW) Well Tommy I know this isn’t a belt or your contract or even a picture but I do know this means something to you. I also know you would want me to do this (He holds up a lighter) and he goes to set the flag a blaze but Tommy ran in with CW Anderson & RVD to stop him from lighting the flag. CW Anderson then challenges Punk.

Tuesday November 14th ECW on SC-FI:
Highlights of Last week’s show, Announcers put over how serious what Punk did last week and has he woken up a sleeping psycho in Tommy Dreamer, Shelton Benjamin & Masked Man are being interviewed and Shelton says “Kendrick & London all I have heard from you guys over the last few weeks is pissing and moaning about the fact we got a little rough with you. Oh I am so sorry I didn’t know you pretty boys couldn’t handle a little beating. I don’t think you two want to fight us or that we are making things personal, no you guys are pissed because we took the ball out of your court. You two need to man up and either fight us or shut your face and move on.” Danny Doring & Roadkill vs Sprit Squad (Match ends in a Draw) Post Match: Basham Brothers shown up on screen and Danny says “Well you guys are trying to fight us but you can’t beat the Male Cheerleaders.” Doug adds “If you can’t beat them then you don’t even deserve to be in the ring with us because you aren’t on our level.” Video Hype of Kid Kash in ECW, CM Punk def. CW Anderson (Post Match: Tommy Dreamer runs in the ring trying to get to Punk but Punk escapes through the crowd)

Tuesday November 21st ECW on SC-FI:
William Regal comes to the ring in his regular clothes and says “Dupree two weeks ago you tried to end my career but Sunshine I am still standing and I am not going down without a fight. I have told you not shake my cage but you didn’t take my warning serious. You kid will regret trying to take my career away from me.” Stevie Richards def. Carlito, Backstage: A camera find Ray Gordy down and he looks hurt and a closer look reveals a Tommy Dreamer shirt left near him, Shad Gaspard def. Great Khali via interference from Daivari (Post Match: Once Daivari interferes then JTG jumps right in to help Shad and we got a brawl), Paul London & Brian Kendrick are being interviewed and London starts saying “Shelton we are game to fight anytime and anywhere.” All Kendrick adds is he motions like he is taking off a mask, Kenny Dykstra def. Shannon Moore, RVD & Justin Credible contract signing hyped, A video jumps on the big screen we see Tommy Dreamer on the screen outside the arena and says “Punk you want to try and kill the legacy of this company, the thing you don’t understand is you will have to kill me to end this company. Punk I will change your world piece by piece and if you think that ECW will die then you don’t know Tommy Dreamer because I will not stop fighting.” ECW World Title Contract Signing: RVD & Justin Credible each sign the contract and offer final statement for the match

Sunday November 26th SummerSlam:
Great Khali & Daivari def. Cryme Tyme (Khali pins JTG), Justin Credible talks about the opportunity to fight for the ECW Title he says “I have held that title before and Rob you have been a great champion but it’s my turn to run with the ball.” Punk is being interviewed he says “Tommy you can make threats all you want and injure anyone you want it doesn’t matter, because Tommy you don’t understand I am doing this to get the World Title I got under your skin and that’s what I wanted. Tommy you’re just a stepping stone the World Title is my future and nobody will stop me from getting it.” Tommy Dreamer def.  CM Punk, Announcers hype the World Title Match, ECW World Title Match: (c) Rob Van Dam def. Justin Credible

Tuesday November 28th ECW on SC-FI:
Tommy Dreamer def. Tim Arson, Basham Brothers, Khali & Daivari vs Cryme Tyme, Danny Doring & Roadkill ends in a No-Contest when the match gets out of hand and a brawl ensues, Elijah Burke def. Hardcore Holly, CM Punk comes out and says “Tommy Dreamer you got a fluke over me on Sunday Night but you didn’t prove anything by beating all you proved is you could get lucky once and a while. Now that you got your “win” if you could call it that, I want Rob Van Dam and I want the World Title because it’s time you idiots to have a champion you can be proud of.” Justin Credible def. Brian Kendrick off a distraction when Shelton Benjamin’s theme plays but No Shelton, Paul Heyman walk out he says “I have an announcement to make in two weeks we will have a #1 Contender Match for the ECW World Title when CM Punk faces …… Tommy Dreamer winner will face RVD at December to Dismember on December 23rd. Punk if you want the World Title all you have to do is beat Tommy Dreamer and you can get what you want and face RVD.

Part 8 is the final part of this edition of the How I Would Book it series and then once again we will start a new. I do apologize for the lack of consistent posts with this series it's just I am sometimes forgetful with certain things and I also have had a lot going on so I do apologize. But I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed doing it.


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