Extreme Rising: What a Difference

Opened in the Spring of 2012 with a show that was very lackluster and they pretty much started on the wrong foot. From all the issues on the first show, to canceling numerous other shows, to Stevie Richards saying he'd defend the World Title in an online game of Madden. A lot happened in the first full year of Extreme Rising's existence but that has now changed. Now that the at one time partner of the Extreme Rising, Steve O' Neil has taken over the company things are different. From them attempting to get a TV contract in the local tri-state area to returning home.

The crowd when they were in Philly last month was hot and ready to see wrestling again in the area so famous for independent wrestling. I remember watching the last show at ECW Arena back in 2010 and having goose bumps the entire show. There was no better way to welcome wrestling back to The Arena then with Extreme Rising. I am very happy to see wrestling back where it belongs and I am also very happy to Extreme Rising working out. Below is video from the opening of their Unfinished Business show from December 28 2013. Enjoy


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