Superstar Recall

In March of 2001 the wrestling world changed forever with the purchase of WCW by WWE. In many ways it was almost a year after the purchase that the business start to recover with other companies finally coming in. One of those companies was NWA-TNA run by the Jarrett's (Jerry & Jeff) they employed numerous guys who had gotten their start in the late stages of WCW; also some of the top independent stars.
One of those stars was "Wildcat" Chris Harris one half of America's Most Wanted which was one of the best teams in TNA history. He and his partner James Storm had worked in the past together on the Indies. Chris and James became a team and had some great feuds with Triple X & Disciples of Synn. Also were multiple time tag champs until they broke up and Storm turned heel. After AMW's break up Harris wasn't really able to catch on he was canned only to end in WWE as Braden Walker for a short stint. But who remembers the Wildcat.


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