Years Have Past and Things Have Changed Part 1

For the last five years almost I have been placing posts on this site and it didn't matter if I was getting to put them elsewhere I still almost always found my way back here. I firmly believe that it was all, because of you.... the reader that I always ended up coming back. Things have changed for me over the last few years as I have matured as a person and my priorities have changed. Also I take writing a big more seriously another thing that some people may look at as a downside. (Writing for a Blog vs Writing for a Site

"I am sure you guys would like to know about me well I am not as old as many may think cause of the vast knowledge of wrestling I have. But i am only a high school student is striving for a future in the business that he has loved for so long. I am not a one side fan like most and no offense is meant it is just like most fans are either just a plain fan or a super fan i can be both and sometimes one more than the other. I have not missed an episode of Monday Night Raw in 6 years & I also can proudly say i have not missed an episode of ROH since Sept of 2009 and am working on seeing all of them. With that comes seeing a lot of wrestlers compete which my list is at a large that i would share in small amount then just say it out though some are still missing there is a lot. Finally i can say this not like any other site as I try my damnedest to help you guys better understand the sport I know so well thank you and Enjoy the step in Wrestling's Evolution!!!!!!"


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