Years Have Past and Things Have Changed Part 2

This title is honest it's real and it's the truth five years ago I started this blog and it's fair to say that over the course of the last five years there have been some periods of inactivity. That is expected in my opinion, but my question to you is when someone has a sort of successful "real" site why would he keep coming back to a blog. Loyalty, Gratitude, Respect... all of those words are reasons why I keep coming back, because even though I left the views kept coming and even though I was getting paid something was still missing.

Though I was making money at doing this I felt like I was missing something that I didn't like writing anymore or maybe that I didn't like wrestling anymore. Well I ended up realizing that I didn't like the people who I was working for and so I quit. It was then that I thought I was done writing and that I would sit up late at night like I am doing right now typing on a keyboard for no real reason. Then after about a month something brought me back to writing about pro-wrestling and it was the idea that I have so much knowledge about pro-wrestling, but nobody to share it with. So I needed an outlet for my thoughts I needed a place to write and express my opinions about pro-wrestling freely and in an unbiased way.

I would however be lying if I said that I jumped right into creating the site and writing for the new site, because I didn't. At first I thought I could write for a third party site and my own site at the same time, but then it became too much so I left the third party site to focus on my own site. Boy did it payoff as I started to become happy again and I started to love writing again. Though I may have made some missteps along the way as I look at where I was to where I am now I couldn't be happier or picture myself doing anything else.

Though my knowledge of pro-wrestling is what brought me here in the first place and even though my writing skills were sub-par back in 2011 when I started this blog things have developed, grown, and changed. Looking back my knowledge of pro-wrestling and my desire to share it with all of you may have been what brought me back to this. But it's you that keeps me here, you reading my stuff, and communicating with me your opinions that makes these late nights all the more worth it and the lonely days bearable. I thank each and every one of you for viewing anything I have ever written on this blog or any site I have posted any information on within the last six years that I have been writing. You have given me a purpose, a passion, and a dream that I hope one day you can help me make a reality and that for now you at least come along for the ride.


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