Differences Between Writing for Blogs & Writing for a Site (Part 1)

Well my friends this is the first time that I am actually behind my keyboard writing original content for this blog in a while. But I feel like this is what you guys deserve so I found a way to give it to you guys and make you all happy.

As you can tell from the title above this will be more then just a one time thing as this is just part 1 of the series. That's right for the first time in almost three years I will actually be doing a small post series here on the blog. The reason is simple I am doing it just as a thank you to you guys and gals for the continued support of this blog even after the consistent posts stopped coming out. Which like I mentioned in an earlier post I am extremely grateful and appreciative for. Now with that out of the way it's time to move onto the meat of this post and the start of this series.

In all honesty as I always try to be I don't really know how many of you know why the posts stopped coming and why I walked away from blogger. Well it's time for this post to really begin and it all starts back in the fall of 2013 when I got a DM on Twitter. This message was from a site group that shall remain nameless, and they asked if I would be willing to expand my viewership and make the jump to an actual website rather then just writing on the blog. I told them I would think about it and then a few days went by and I started to get into a serious conversation with them about the idea of moving and before I knew I was the proud "owner" of my own free domain.

For the first few months I tried to continue doing both the blog and my new site, but the workload became to much and I pushed the blog to the side and focused all my attention on the new site instead. In hindsight it was a mistake, because within a year I ended up leaving the site and the company all together and I thought I was done writing, but then everything changed.

Upcoming in Part 2:
Where the road went next and what changed. What caused me to leave the "free site" and why do I refuse to mention the site or the "parent company" by name. Find out all of this and more in Part 2 of this series.


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