Break My Back & You Made Me Humble

Though the title may not fit the post I thought that if I was going to do a post then why not make the title something that could catch your eye rather then the same old thing. I will tell you guys something that in the very near future I will be putting a post on this site and not something that has already been posted by me somewhere else I will actually post original content.

The reason being is because I feel you guys and gals deserve it because almost after 5 years all of you still come around and read this blog. Even though I have really been gone from this blog for almost two years the support hasn't stopped. The sporadic posts haven't stopped you guys and gals from visiting this blog. I can't put into words what that means to me, I mean the only way I might be able to is the above title. You broke my back and made me humble & I am forever grateful. 

For reasons that will remain a secret right now I don't want to ramble to much, but what I will do is say that even though late last year I did this same post it doesn't matter, because how grateful I am for you guys is immeasurable. I never thought that when I left the views would stay, but you all proved me wrong and humble me with the continued support of this blog. I am extremely extremely grateful for the continued support as it doesn't matter if it's me or Craig either way you guys and gals are the best and make this extremely worth it. 

Thank you so Much!!!

Will Return Again Soon!!!

- Mike


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