Wrestling Fans Use Their Voice as I: Ask The Crowd

One thing that is very difficult about writing for a site is trying to be different then the other people writing about similar things. That is why I have went to the drawing board and decided to come up with something totally different in my book then anyone else is doing. I have chosen a group of questions about Wrestling that I asked a group of randomly selected fans and will be posting their responses right here. Over the course of the next few weeks I will posting the questions with the responses from the fans, so keep an eye out. So to keep my words short, since this post is about the fans let's get to it:
Do you believe that TNA is going through hot-shotting when it comes to booking the shows and talent? 

Bryan: Not really no, they have some good storylines and aren’t like a Vince Russo in that they just change on a moment’s notice. So no I do not believe TNA is hot-shotting.

Fan 1: TNA seems to be trying to be a WWE junior, WWE lite...a copy of WWE to clear things up. Daniel Bryan wins the WWE World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania in a slow burn build up, then at TNA Eric Young, who looks like a taller and more bald version of Bryan, wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Magnus in a sudden upset. Oh by the way, did I mention they both had 2 matches the night they won the title? Coincidence?...perhaps. The WWE debuts the creepy Wyatt Family and they do their job to get over. A few months later in TNA the creepy group called the Menagerie and what do they have going for them? Aside from having a girl in there with an amazing body...nothing except Robbie E's former bouncer, Mike Knox/Knux/the guy from aces and eights and guys on stilts. I'm still waiting for Willow to kick out Knux and lead that group. At least he fits as the leader. Anyways it seems as though they like to do a hit or miss, trial & error, hoping for a miracle to turn their business around angle. What they need to do is take a step back, take a deep breath and do what WWE isn't doing because they aren't PG. Appeal to that demographic a bit more and be DIFFERENT.

Chris: They are not hot-shotting anything. They've been paying close attention to WWE storylines. Lol

Andy: Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, wait... Wrong promotion. I do believe they absolutely are. I don't watch TNA as I work every Thursday night, but I read recaps, spoilers, results, and it definitely IS happening.

@LevelsofWrestling: I believe TNA is doing what they believe is best for the company. Right now they are booking guys to be in matches that will be on their PPVs. This results in lengthy drawn out feuds (which isn't a bad thing) but unfortunately it can lead to the same match over and over. So with this in mind I don't really think TNA are hot-shotting but they are trying to make the product entertaining. This however has a bunch of its own issues. 

Authors Note: Please to those who are reading remember, this is the opinion of those who were nice enough to answer questions for me. Just because I didn't ask doesn't mean anything and if you would be interested in doing this please feel free to contact me on twitter @BWF1905. 


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