Comparing "The Decision" to the formation of the NWO:

For those who don't know there are times that events that take place in the Wrestling industry can be compared to events that took place in other sports industries. Recently did article on how both Hulk Hogan and LeBron James "legdropped" their fans and changed their sports forever. In goes in depth into not only the creation of the big three down in Miami on the NBA team the Miami Heat with LeBron, Dwayne Wade, & Chris Bosh. But it also goes into how one could see similar aspect between that and the formation of the New World Order back in the summer of 1996. However, instead of me spoling the article let me put in an excerpt from the article below:

"This week marks the anniversary of two shocking moments that altered the history of their sports – LeBron James fleeing the Cavaliers to create Miami’s Big Three andHulk Hogan’s declaration of a New World Order. Both superstars were the top talents in their industries, but chose to backstab their lame franchises - the Cavaliers and World Championship Wrestling (WCW) – on live television for a chance to win greater glories with cooler cliques. These epic narratives of alliance and betrayal, which climaxed one day apart in 1996 (July 7) and 2010 (July 8), upset the balance of power in their industries. James and Hogan defined their careers with these actions, transforming from fan favorites into the biggest villains in their sports." (As the article proceeds it begins to speak about the setting of each respective moment and then proceeds from their.)


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