A Reference to International Incident May Have Cost Someone a Top Push......

Right now I am going to say it this is a blog and I own it. For the most part I have tried to be unbiased; however I want to express a certain opinion on an Article I saw. This past Sunday at Battleground during Lana's pre-match promo she referenced a certain international incident. Now I don't disagree with the fact that certain things shouldn't be involved in the wrestling world, but this isn't about that. 

People are getting pissed about the fact that Lana was trying to get heat in a promo, which is the point in wrestling. But if people keep making a big deal over stupid reference's then it will just be very bland promos and nobody will push the envelope anymore, because they are too afraid. Plus it wasn't up to Lana unless she makes her own promo, which I doubt she does because I don't think they give her the freedom. Getting heat like this is a lost art in wrestling because everyone is to easily offend nowadays, which is a shame. Below is an excerpt from her promo:

“You blame Russia for these recent current events? Tonight we dedicate this match to the most powerful man in the world. Tonight we dedicate this match to the man that makes fools out of all of you Americans,” Lana said. “He is my role model. He is my idol, the president of Russia.”

I mean she did also reference our continued efforts in the Middle East; however she didn't directly reference the "Current Event" in question. With this being the case I don't get what the big deal is, I mean I think people are just overreacting to this situation. The story overall may not blow over in the near future, but this story about the reference will blow over in the near future. It is also a shame because Jack Swagger finally got over in his feud with Rusev, but now the feud maybe over because of the simple reference. WWE is just too scared to do anything because they are a public company and they don't like bad publicity anymore. There is no way Rusev/Lana's push should be halted because of it, as they are two of the hottest heels in the company right now. Let this blow over and have the people forget about it, instead of capitalizing on the news, even though they should allow the publicity to make Rusev & Lana the modern version of the 1980's turncoat Sgt. Slaughter. This promo is called getting heat nothing more, and it is a shame that people are making such a big deal of something so simple.

Remember this is my opinion I will respect yours as long as you respect my opinion. Though I may get heat because of it I don't care, this is my opinion and that's all. Not trying to get any attention on this blog, all I am doing is expressing my view on a Wrestling Story that got exposure on a national news site. 



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