WWE: Punk leaves

For those who may not have heard but the huge news today in the World of Wrestling is that former WWE Champion and self professed "Best in the World" has quit WWE. That's right with only months left on his contract CM Punk "took his ball and went home." This is said to be why Punk wasn't on Monday Night Raw this past Monday Night. Well the reason why Punk walked out on WWE is simple really he is sick of part-timers being given everything including Wrestlemania. Punk doesn't like that part-timers seemingly get treated better then the full-time guys. I for one agree with him because the Full-Time guys are here every week, yet they are made to look like jokes most of them. Punk had the testicular fortitude to stand up for himself and all the other guys and I respect him for that and I hope others follow suit.

Now for those asking if this is real or not I am telling you it's very real and apparently Punk's walking out has been a long time coming. Punk has been very frustrated about WWE bringing in the Part-Timers and giving them the big Main Event programs instead of the Full-Timers. Punk has also been unhappy with the handling of his character and the overall direction of the company. Last note is that as of this writing it is said that Punk chose to walk out after a disagreement with staff over future character directions.

Finally I thought I would mention something from Independent Booker & Former ROH Booker Gabe Sapolosky. He said "However, knowing Punk I would be shocked if he ever did an Independent Wrestling show again." He goes on to say "We should just leave Punk alone, let him recharge, refresh and get his life back. Just leave him alone and let him be." So with that being said people can talk all they want, but I agree with Gabe I think Punk needs to take time to relax, unwind, & refresh as he has been going full throttle for a long time now. Well I want to be one of the first to say: I would like to wish CM Punk the Best of luck in what ever he tries to do next and if he ends up back in WWE so be it, but the most important thing is it has to be for Punk. I hope he straight things out and that is what is best for him and his future. Good Luck Punk!!!!


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