How I would book it Part 6..... Rebirth of Extreme (ECW 2006)

Tuesday October 10th ECW on SC-FI:
Highlights of William Regal’s promo from Last week, Justin Credible def. Special E, Rene Dupree walks out and says “William Regal, over the last few weeks all we have heard out of you is complaints about how nobody has respect for you and your accomplishments. Well Regal it’s not about your past it’s about you stepping aside for the future figuring out that your time is up and you need to step aside. It might not seem like it but I respect you Regal I do but I don’t fear you and even though I don’t want to end your career I will if it means taking your spot.” (c) Great Khali & Daivari def. The Heartthrobs (Khali pins Romeo) Post Match: Daivari grabs a mic and says “We haven’t gotten the respect we deserve as champions and that is because they are mad we are champions. Who are they you ask, they are each and every one of you ignorant & disrespectful Americans fans. Great Khali & I are the best Tag Team in ECW and to prove we challenge and Tag Team in the WWE to come and prove us wrong.” Brian Kendrick def. Super Crazy (Post Match: A Mask Man jumps the rail and attacks Kendrick until London runs in for the save), ECW TV Title Tournament Round 2: Elijah Burke def. Hardcore Holly, Justin Credible comes down to join commentary, Rob Van Dam def. Danny Doring (Post Match: RVD & Credible have a face-off and Credible says the title will be his)
Tuesday October 17th ECW on SC-FI:
Super Crazy vs Little Guido ends in a Draw, (c) Great Khali & Daivari def. The Dicks to retain Tag Team Titles (Khali pins Chad), Hardcore Holly def. Drew Hankinson, Paul London is being interviewed backstage he says “I don’t who that Masked guy was that attacked Brian last week was but I think I know who sent him and Shelton why don’t you stop attacking us and be a man and face me one on one. You should your true colors last week when your hired gun took out Brian so how about you grow a pair face me.” ECW TV Title Tournament Round 2:  Kid Kash def. Rene Dupree off the distraction from William Regal, Backstage: Justin Credible is seen conversing with Mr. X & Ray Gordy, CM Punk walks out and he says “Since I debuted back in June on the first episode of the new ECW, I have made it my goal to prove that my chosen lifestyle makes me better then everyone behind that curtain and all of you in those seats. Over the course of that time I have really pissed off one guy probably the most one Tommy Dreamer because this company is his life it made Tommy Dreamer who is was. Well Tommy I have a question for you how does it feel to know your legacy is that of a person who was able to sell out a bingo hall. Tommy you’re not a legend because a couple beer swelling, half witted, delusional people whose IQ is probably that of a 4 year old; truth be told Tommy you’re a failure and that’s all you will ever be. Tommy runs toward the ring and is extremely pissed, Punk runs from the ring with a smile on his face. Taz throws in “Punk vs Dreamer just got that more interesting at Survivor Series”
Tuesday October 24th ECW on SC-FI:
Danny Doring w/ Roadkill vs Danny Basham w/ Doug Basham ends in a No-Contest when a big brawl broke out between both teams, William Regal comes out and says “I will keep this short Dupree you said you will end my career if it means you getting my spot. Well sorry to damper your party sunshine because I am not leaving without a fight.” Mr. X def. Orlando Jordan, Elijah Burke def. Ryan O’ Riley, Shelton Benjamin walks out with the Masked Man following him and he says “London last week you told me to be a man well here I am but where are you. Looks like when the roles are reversed you aren’t as tough are you. Well since London doesn’t feel like being a man tonight me and my friend here want a match and we are challenging anyone in the back.” Out of nowhere a very familiar theme hits that of the….. BLUE WORLD ORDER!!!!!! BWO def. Shelton Benjamin & Masked Man off a distraction from London & Kendrick, Highlights of CM Punk scathing promo from last week, Taz offers advice to CM Punk and he says “Punk, I know Tommy Dreamer better than most anyone I have meant in this business and I can honestly say that very few people if anyone loved ECW more than Tommy so bashing ECW is like bashing Tommy himself and bashing the fans is like bashing Tommy’s family. I think Punk might be playing with fire and it’s only a matter of time before he get’s burned.” Cryme Tyme def. Great Khali & Daivari in a Tag Team Title Match via DQ

Tuesday October 31st ECW on SC-FI:
Kenny Dysktra def. Special E, Backstage: We arrive on a scene were numerous wrestlers and backstage personal are surrounding someone it looks like, and that person a bloodied William Regal, Justin Credible comes out and says “When I was told ECW was coming back I was ecstatic because not one company I have been with since has given me the chances I was given in ECW. Paul E saw something in me nobody else did and for that I am grateful but since ECW closed, I have become a joke in the minds of most fans because of the amount of times I lose. Well it’s a tough job that someone has to do and that someone is me but when I found RVD picked me to face for his title I knew this was my chance. I knew this was my chance to become relevant again and not be after thought but instead be the first thought. Rob maybe looking right past me but I know it won’t be as easy as he thinks it will because I am not leaving without that World Title.” Tommy Dreamer def. Ray Gordy via DQ when Kelly Kelly got involved with a chair (Post Match: Dreamer stops Kelly from leaving puts her on his knee and proceeds to give her a spanking. Right after that Punk shows up on the big screen and is trying to get Tommy’s attention, when he does get Tommy’s attention Punk says “Tommy I have a surprise for you next week that is something you will never forget.)


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