AJ Styles Update: Is TNA still in his future

As of this writing some people within TNA Wrestling believe that TNA could have AJ Styles comeback for the Lockdown PPV in April to face Magnus. The only problem is that he isn't under contract with TNA anymore and they haven't be able to reach an agreement thus far. Also another thing that could stop a comeback is his dates on the Independents because it's not like if he resigns he will just throw them aside and not show up to them. I think TNA made a mistake by allowing AJ to leave, Yes after the botch at ROH's event over the weekend you might think other wise, but that was just one mistake. AJ Styles is still a solid wrestler in the ring and a decent hand on the mic.

I also think he was the backbone of the TNA roster, and will be missed sort of like a Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko or Saturn was missed in WCW when they went to WWE. Now that might be a strange comparison but let me explain, when in WCW and then WWE the team later called the Radicalz was the backbone of the roster. They were the guys that the writing staff could count to go out and have a good match. Like TNA could count on AJ to go out and have a good match. Now that's gone and they need someone new to step up and become what AJ was to the company.

One final thought which is that I personally don't think AJ Styles returns anytime soon to TNA.
To the point of this post I don't know if TNA is still in AJ's future and right now I don't think anyone can really tell you the truth except AJ Styles because in my book only he really knows. I do think that maybe AJ could be back by the end of the year in TNA but not right now as far as I can see.


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