Good & Bad of Triple H's Regime

For those unaware I do have a site called which is where I post everyday and haven't posted daily on this site in almost three years since the beginning of Wrestling Express. However, at the start of this year I invested in a new site called and this would be used as a way for me to archive articles and sections from Wrestling Express to a different site. Thinking about things though I don't think that the archive site will be around forever, but I'm pretty sure that this site will be so that's why I am going to be posting some old articles here as a way to conserve them from disappearing. 

Since the start of the site I have always tried to figure out the best possible ways to make this site very unique and something that sticks out from other wrestling sites. I feel a big part of that is the addition of monthly posts, but like everything else even successful things need a shot in the arm and something fresh to breath new life into them and that is exactly what I am trying to do with the monthly post section. Because this is the only section that hasn't really changed since my days back on blogger. 

This is why I have chosen to start a new series where I look at both success and failures of the Triple H regime so far. I am aware that most his regime has consisted of decision he has made down in NXT, but I feel like it's enough of a window for a monthly series and maybe this would also allow a little break for some of the older monthly series. 

Every good promoter, boss, booker, etc is only good when they tested the most and though Triple H hasn't been tested with the main roster just yet, but even Hunter has seen the good..... the bad and also the ugly.


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