Everything Evolves Part 2
This post wasn't suppose to happen at this point, but it was suppose to happen eventually the reason for the change is because I found another reason to write this post. Recently I have seen a lot of negativity on social media which in this day and age shouldn't be a surprise for me anymore, but when I see it among my followers and in some cases people who have supported me and that pains me to see. Over the last year or two I have tried to be very open and honest with the personal battles I have gone through and how I have changed since January of last year. But the only problem is what worked for me may not work for everyone. As I have seemingly found solace in writing which is what I really do when I am feeling down and sometimes I just write for hours on end. That writing "quality" is the reason that at this point and time I still have over 10-12 unpublished articles that I wrote earlier in the year still hiding somewhere in my archives. The reason they had l...