ECW Legends Tribute A Fallen Brother

The hardest thing about being a wrestling fan is having to say goodbye to so many of your favorite wrestlers at such a young age. Though there are some fans out there who may not have respect for the legacy that ECW has left behind that doesn't change the fact that you should respect each and every individual who stepped foot in that ring for the company and the risks they took being in that ring. I will be honest the fact is that Balls wasn't the best worker, but he was a great character and could absolutely get the crowd into the match and on their feet and that is what a pro-wrestler is suppose to be able to do.

In this video I found I think Tommy says it best that "If we were a family then Balls would be the crazy uncle." There is no doubt in my mind that though I never met Balls he was a very special man and loved by everyone he came into contact with and you can see that in this video. Balls may have had his issues, but we all do and that doesn't change who we are and it doesn't need to change how we treat people. Up until I watched the video I was so-so about Balls Mahoney and now after seeing the genuine emotion displayed by Tommy I will admit I had watery eyes and goosebumps during the entire video. How fitting that they are in the ECW arena for this show to tribute a fallen brother and a loved family member.

Thank You Balls for Memories 
RIP Balls Mahoney 
"He's Got the Biggest Balls of Them All" 


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