Survey Says....

First of all this has nothing to do with current host of the game show Family Feud Steve Harvey or any other past host of the show. The only thing that this post has to do with is helping me better understand you. As it doesn’t matter to me if your a viewer or a reader either way your opinion matters to me and matter big time. Because without you I don’t have this or YouTube, so what you guy and gals think is a big deal to me.

For that reason I made a survey the first of what will be two surveys and both are solely focused on me hearing from you on what you want to see. This ride isn’t fun alone as I need you all to help me get to where I am going so that means we are on this ride together. In my mind every person has their own opinion and own perspective on what is good and what isn’t and that’s why I need you, because you are the people that make this site run and have meaning. I want to be able to say the same thing about YouTube that you are the reason why YouTube is a thing for me and why it has meaning. Before someone says this all about the money, let me stop you right there buddy this has NEVER been about the money, because for the last year I haven’t made a dime off this site or from YouTube this about expansion and reaching my Ultimate goal.
As a person with a marketing mind I would like to think that people in turn like to express themselves and use their voice. Right now that is exactly what I am doing I am imploring you to use your voice.

Take a second or even a couple of minutes and let your voice be heard!!! 


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