How I Would Book it: WCW Part 3

I told you I would try to post this a little more often then I did last month. This doesn't mean things have changed, but maybe think of this as a start:

The second Nitro of 1998 as we move further into the new year things continue to grow and change from how they really were and become How I Would Book it. As we look at another week of action from WCW we tensions continuing to grow:

- For the first time since Starrcade Eric Bischoff goes face to face with Kevin Nash

- Ric Flair returns from his injuries after being assaulted at Starrcade

- The Feud continue between the Faces of Fear & The Steiner Brothers

- Diamond Dallas Page makes his first appearance since winning the United States Championship

- The #1 Contender for the Cruiserweight Championship is crowned


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