Reasoning Behind Updates in the Let's Play Lacking

It was less then a month ago that I placed a post on this site saying that things would be moving back to normal and that I have figured out a way to get some new content. I said that with changes made in the let's play series it is prompting me to allow you the viewer to predict what is going to happen before it does. This would be a competition of sorts with the winner getting to pick from a list of prizes previously mentioned. (Click Here to view)

However, for one reason or another it has been a few weeks and another post hasn't come. Though I don't think many of you are that upset about it I will say that ultimately that is the reason why I chose to stop. I know I sound kind of petty considering my reasoning for not posting is totally reliant on this idea not so much that nobody was doing it and more so, because I realized after the fact that it was too soon to do something like this. I was growing before the series was ready to grow or even I was making too many changes at one time.

Reality of it is the timing was off and realizing this has changed my opinion of the idea all together. It is not so much that I am not going to do it ever again it's more that I am not doing it right now. I will start it back up again when the time is right.

Thank you for the continued support of this blog, I appreciate it tremendously and I hope all who read this post have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!


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