Let's Play ROH: TV Show Predictions

We have returned!!! After around two years consistent new post have returned to this blog. Now this doesn't mean I have discontinued the site. I just developed an idea where finally both sites can benefit. Now for those who have been long time readers of the blog then you probably recognize the name How I Would Book it. Well I ended that series in favor of entitling it just simply Let's Play ______ then the companies name. Even since I started this series back in 2011-2012 I have made changes to it normally to the title, but still.

Over the last few weeks I have really been trying to think of a way to up the fan interaction for the series and I think I stumbled upon a great idea. I would post a preview to each show a few days earlier to allow for some predictions from you and then I would track by giving point when you guess correct. Then you have the leader board with those who have mounted the most points and post PPV I will reward the top two winners with a prize. This being the first go around I am going to keep it going until March considering we are close to the next IPPV.  For more info click here: 

ROH TV Preview Episode 6 

Jay Lethal vs Mark Andrews 

Zack Sabre Jr. vs Kyle O' Reilly 

ROH World Championship Match: 
(c) Jay Briscoe vs Homicide

Place Comments Below on What you think will Happen!! 


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