TNA The Future Looks Different

With tomorrow being TNA’s new beginning aka their debut on Destination America, I figured it’s only fair to put forth a large post out ling TNA going into the start of a new era. TNA beginning on Destination America tomorrow is the also the end of a 9 year run on Spike which could’ve ended better, but let’s move forward. To say that 2014 has been an easy year for TNA wrestling would be a drastic understatement as 2014 has probably been the hardest and most testing year that TNA has ever had to go through in their existence. From losing so many top talents like Daniels, Sting, Styles, Bully, D-Von, Kaz, and others to contract issues. Well Bully may likely comeback once everything is sorted out with the TV deal and once they get the important stuff out of the way, not saying Bully isn’t important it’s just if they are planning on re-launching the company they have a long road ahead. Also who could forget probably the most interesting few months TNA has had in years when people kept wondering what would happen to them come the end of 2014. Who could forget when the announcement came out that Spike wasn’t renewing them after December 2014? I could tell you that most fans thought that TNA was going out of business which would have been horrible and honestly I couldn't be happier to see TNA that TNA got another TV deal.

TNA on Destination America:
Well long story short with this is after losing Spike TV TNA needed to find another TV company to air Impact every week otherwise they would have likely went out of business. A couple of weeks ago it was made official as of January 2015 TNA’s new home for Impact will be on Destination America. Though Destination America isn’t nearly as Nationally featured as Spike was an though TNA is getting less money it is still a place where wrestlers can get TV experience and compete on a larger scale then most Indy companies. Also even though above bad things are listed they promised to make TNA a major part of the network which is something that it didn’t feel like they were when they were on Spike. There is no doubt about it WWE is the top of pro-wrestling but thanks to Destination America we will not have to find a new second place because TNA isn’t going anywhere.
Also good news for TNA fans we will be seeing a total re-branding of TNA in January 2015 from a new stage, new logo, new announce team, new creative direction, etc; basically just a brand new TNA. I hope that TNA remembers the last couple of months and how good their shows were and takes that momentum into the New Year and runs with it. I firmly believe that after the year TNA had this year, 2015 will not only be a make or break year for TNA. But they will also be given a second chance to live up to the potential that everyone thought they could.

TNA in 2015:
In my book their needs to be a line where executives stay executives and on air talent is on air talent. I think that also pertains to Dixie and the fact that over the last few months TNA’s product has been really good, without Dixie on the air. This may prove that the company is better off having Dixie remain off television rather being a weekly on air character. Though this year was special and it was unlike any other where Dixie was more needed on the day to day operations of the company and wasn’t so much needed on TV, I hope that even on the new station that aspect doesn’t change. To steal from the “opposition” I think this also pertains to not just Dixie, but all “executives” staying off TV and away from the business side and just focusing on running the company, the same applies those on the creative side they should stay away from the business side. All I am saying is to allow the wrestling people to control the wrestling aspects and the business people to control the day to day operations, if that happens TNA will be better.
Letting those who know the business run it creatively and those who know the business end of things run that end. This way everything is separate from each other and things I think will run more smooth that way considering less people will be doing things they have no idea about.
The future is bright for TNA if they keep on the path they were on near the end of 2015. I have been preaching for years that for TNA to be the alternative they can’t just depend on the former WWE stars and they need to make their own stars which what they have begun to do. Like Bram, EC3, Gunner, Spud, Chris Melendez, Manik (The Revolution), and many others who have really shown great promise with the time they have been given to develop. That is something many people not just me have been preaching for years with TNA, that if they just given their guys time that TNA could have a good roster , but they never seemed willing to give them a chance until they had to.
TNA needs to stay different “My big focus for 2015 is to further distinguish our product from anybody else’s out there.” This was actually said by Dixie Carter during an interview she did for a magazine, and well I for one couldn’t be happier to hear her say that as I have thought for years TNA needs to be different then the WWE. I feel over the last few years that TNA has just been trying to be the WWE instead of trying to be their own company and be the alternative. However, once the announcement was made about TNA leaving Spike it seemed they used that as their wake up call and since then they have become more of their own company. Which is why I hope that Dixie wasn’t just saying this for the interview and actually sticks to what she said here, because then 2015 could be a really good year for TNA.

I guess what I am saying is that if TNA continues on the path they got on this year by actually listening to the fans. Then this move to Destination America may not be a band-aid going on a long-term problem. What it could be is TNA showing that they are sick of being a laughing stock and they use this move to prove to Spike they made a bad decision. The only way they do that though is staying on the track they got on this year, and if they can do that I firmly believe that the future for TNA looks different.  

Good Luck Tomorrow TNA 


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