Much Deserved HOF Induction Expected on Raw Tonight

As of this writing there has been rumors going around the worldwide web that tonight on Raw the first Hall of Fame Inductee for the class of 2015 is expected to be announced. This induction would be long over due for a very deserving and respected legend of the business. The man is someone who will be the headliner of this year's......... "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

This induction goes along with the yearly mending of poor relationships the WWE has had with some of their legends over the years. A few years ago it was Bruno Sammartino finally not only coming back to the WWE after years of bad relationships with the company. Last year was the return of the legend The Ultimate Warrior, Warrior had a very poor relationship with the WWE and had been on poor terms with the company for the last 16-18 years. Sadly, Warrior passed away shortly after finally returning to the company. Unfortunately the much deserved induction of Randy will come after Randy has passed away, but at least WWE was able to mend the relationship between them and the Poffo family. This coming on heals of both Lanny & Mrs. Poffo being a part of the Randy Savage DVD.

Long Overdue, I only wish that when they Inducted Randy that following the amazing video package they will have announcing induction (You know they will as WWE always has amazing video packages) that Randy would come out to the ring for the first time on WWE TV in almost 20 years. But sadly they couldn't get passed their egos in WWE before Randy sadly passed away back in 2011 and now that can't happen.

Still though Randy Savage tonight WILL take his place in the Hall of Fame 

First inductee into the Hall of Fame of 2015.....

"Macho Man" Randy Savage 

Oh Yeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!! Dig It!!!! 


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