How I would book it Part 2...... Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

Even though I moved from this site to the new site I still fell it neccessary to keep with tradition which is why I am doing this post. This series started here and will continue here as long as I continue doing new verisions of the series on the other site:

September 16th Monday Night Raw: Bryan seeks revenge on Shield & Rhodes Family will fight for Cody
Stephanie & Hunter air a tribute video to Cody Rhodes during the show commemorating his time in WWE. However Dustin Rhodes aka Goldust interrupts the video, he talks about how Cody doesn’t deserve this, the Rhodes family doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. The McMahon Family has always had a problem with the Rhodes family because my dad was able to make himself something without WWE. My family is prepared to not only fight for Cody’s job, but for the Rhodes family name. Cody, I know you may think I don’t have to do this for you but think of it as a Wedding Present. The Shield come out and attack Goldust, out of nowhere Big Show runs in but is flagged down by security lead by Hunter & Steph. Later in the show- Randy Orton beats Kofi Kingston & Daniel Bryan def. Dean Ambrose (Getting revenge for Last night)

September 23rd Monday Night Raw: Rhodes Family vs McMahon Family & Bryan vs Orton
Set up a tag team match Main Event: Daniel Bryan & Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton & Big Show. I’d spend at least a solid hour building up the idea that for some reason Big Show was forced to team up with Orton in this match even though he hates Randy. Reigns & Seth Rollins defeat Prime Time Players, Bryan pushes Brad Maddox to make a stipulation that if Bryan wins The Shield are banned from Ringside. I’d have announcers putting over The Shield’s attack on Dustin last week & I’d have some pre-taped interviews from various legends talking about past tension between the McMahon Family & Rhodes Family. Hunter comes on stage and announces that Daniel Bryan will not be facing Randy Orton for the WWE Title because he threaten to place acting GM Brad Maddox in a submission hold so in the  interest of fairness instead of suspending or even firing Daniel he will lose his shot against Randy Orton. Not like he was going to win anyway. The other stipulation stands. Daniel Bryan & Kofi Kingston def. Big Show & Randy Orton (Bryan pins Randy) Show didn’t attempt to break up the pin

September 30th Monday Night Raw: American Dream Returns & Bryan vs Orton continues
Stephanie is yelling at Big Show for not protecting Randy Orton last week and saying “Maybe your head isn’t in it anymore Show, maybe it’s time for you to say goodbye Show. Big Show finally tells Stephanie he will do what they say.” Dean Ambrose beats Zack Ryder, Dusty Rhodes returns to Raw to a semi-big reaction to plead Cody’s case. I would run this segment like they did everything the same way. Daniel Bryan def. Damien Sandow (Post Match: Daniel is attacked by The Shield & Randy Orton, while the attack is happening security is at the bottom of the stage stopping anyone from helping. But then Dustin Rhodes jumps in the ring with a chair, he whacks Seth Rollins with a chair, but the other heels get out of dodge.) Show ends with Randy holding the title up high saying you will never get it.

October 6th Battleground: Bryan vs Orton
Announcers reiterate that tonight’s match between Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan will be non-title because Triple H feels Daniel needs to prove himself. Dustin Rhodes def. Dean Ambrose via DQ when the other members of The Shield attacked but then Kofi Kingston runs in to help Goldust. Daniel Bryan def. (c) Randy Orton Non-Title (Bryan escapes the ring and Randy is pissed off)

October 7th Monday Night Raw:
Show starts with Hunter, Stephanie, & Randy in the ring and all three of them are pissed off. Randy speaks first he says “What happen last night between myself and Daniel Bryan was a fluke and that I should have won the match and Bryan just got lucky. Hunter steps in and tells Randy to relax then Hunter says “Randy I have the perfect person for you to take your frustrations out on, how about that loser Dustin Rhodes. Triple H adds that once they take care of Goldust then they can focus all the attention on the little pest Daniel Bryan.” Randy says “I’d be more than happy to.” Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins def. The Uso Brothers, Kofi Kingston def. (c) Dean Ambrose via DQ, Daniel Bryan def. Damien Sandow (Post Match: Randy Orton attacks Daniel Bryan he attempts an RKO but Bryan counters it into the No Lock) Backstage: Triple H is seen bumping into Goldust and he tells Goldust that if he can beat Randy, Cody can have his job back. Randy Orton def. Goldust

October 14th Monday Night Raw: Bryan's title match vs Orton is announced tonight
Big Show finally speaks after knocking out Dusty Rhodes, the announcers talk about the state the Big Show has been in since he knocked out Dusty. It is announced that Daniel Bryan will be running the gauntlet tonight vs The Shield. Big Show is being interviewed he says “Two weeks ago I was forced to knock out a man who mentored me when I first entered the business and now he won’t acknowledge me. I hear the snickering, I hear everyone wondering who the McMahon’s will force me to knockout next. Well they won’t because they crossed the line when they made me knockout Dusty Rhodes, I am not going to take it because I am the World’s Largest Athlete and nobody can intimidate me.” Daniel Bryan def. Dean Ambrose via Interference when Randy Orton & the Shield ran in and attacked, Randy is visibly pissed off as he and The Shield beat down Bryan. He tells The Shield to Triple Power-Bomb, Bryan, they do as Randy said and Bryan is left lying on the mat. Until Randy is about to leave but then turns and sees Bryan stirring, Randy goes into the corner as if he is going to punt Bryan in the head. But as he moves in for the kick numerous other Wrestlers run in to send Randy & The Shield away.


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