Apologies from me

I should have mentioned it right when it was in the works of possibly happening because of the history I have here but I didn't because at first I was going to continue to post for both sites but it didn't continue like that; and as many have noticed I am not posting daily or at one point even weekly here anymore. That is because I moved to a new site and I am very sorry for not telling you guys here about the move but I guess I didn't think I would stop posting here but I did.

What I did not telling you guys that I moved is disrespectful and wrong because some of you may have been supporting me from when I started the blog and wondered why I stopped posting. For that I am very sorry but I hope you guys that gave me so much support here on blogger will come join me at my new home, this is an actual website called Squaredcirclesideshow.com  I got this site through the group Fan vs Fan. These guys are a really great group of guys and were really helpful and nice when I was getting started with the new site.

In the end I just want to thank everyone who supported this blog and allowed me to express my opinion freely here on this site. It has been a great 2 years but now it's time for a new start so please if your a usually reader of the blog feel free to come join me on the new site. Once again I apologize for not saying it sooner but I hope all of you can forget about that and join me on the new site an continue to support me & the site.

Thank You!!!!!!


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