Another year and More to Post

We are now entering year 6 for the blog and its incredible to think that you guys and gals are still viewing my stuff after all these years. The fact that we are still getting over 200 views a week is incredible to me and extremely humbling I know I have said all this before, but I really do love you guys and gals for all that you have given me, because I wouldn't be where I am without you. Now I know in the past I have made some promises that I didn't really keep for too long, but what I will say is that as far as consistency I will try and raise the bar this year and once again beat the number of posts from last year by the summer.

But that's not the only I am here because as we look to the new year and I look to life after school there is more of the unknown present, but that's why preparation is the most important thing when you finish school. For if you know where you go the road wont be as bumpy to get there. It is hard to process that I started this blog when I was a junior in High School and back in December I just finished my last year of college; it is freaking surreal.

So what you can expect for the new year is a bit of an increase in posts and me topping last years number by the end of July., and not by one I will top last years output by a wide margin by the end of July. As for now if you have some free time on your hands and feel like expressing your opinion feel free to help me out by answering this survey I wrote to do a little research:

Thank you in advance for the help with the survey and I don't know how I can ever thank you for the continued support of this blog.


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