How I Would Book it: WCW 1998 Part 7

As we draw closer to SuperBrawl the matches that will take place on the event become more clear and tensions continue to rise between the stars of WCW. I have made the decision that I may not be running this edition of the series as long as first expected, but I will be making an official decision on how long the series will continue within the next week or so. Until then this installment of the series will continue as per usual. Now enjoy some notes from this weeks edition of Nitro:

- Ric Flair has reached his boiling point and is now trying to intimidate management

- Who will become the #1 Contenders for the WCW Tag Team Titles at SuperBrawl

- Who will be next to stand up from the NWO against Hulk Hogan and Bischoff

- Old rivals collide once again in the Main Event for the first time in over a year

- Goldberg's Streak Continues against one half of prominent team


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