Everything Evolves Part 1

Been thinking about this for a while and honestly in the 6 years I have been writing this is by far the hardest post I have ever chosen to do. Recently this blog celebrated it's 5 year anniversary and I think back to June 2011 when this blog started and I look at how things have changed in that time and it's pretty surreal to me. Now I know over the past year or so I have pretty much preached how grateful I am for all you guys and gals that still pay attention to this blog. You have no idea what that means to me or how much that helps me to know that people care about what write even after so long.

Over the last few months I have done a lot thinking and not all of it was good thoughts or positive in anyway. But there were some good thoughts and as the New Day would say the "Power of Positivity" prevailed. As that is exactly what happened in this case too the truth is why I am elaborating is because you don't lie to the audience or this case the readers and I hope that is one thing that I have pushed enough over the last 5 years that it's common knowledge now. I don't hide things from you guys and gals very much, but when I do it's for the surprise which is something I don't do very often either.

Now to the point..... I sit here and wonder why exactly I'm so protective of certain things that I do or why I am so closed off. Let me explain for the longest time I honestly would do what ever I could to hide the fact that I am a wrestling fan well then again saying fan is an understatement. As truth be told I am more of a wrestling nut with more knowledge of this great profession then people double my age. (If you don't believe ask around) The reason for me hiding the fact that I am a wrestling fan has Nothing to do with me being Ashamed of pro-wrestling, but more having to do with other people and their opinion of pro-wrestling. Most people are aware that pro-wrestling isn't the most respected thing in pop culture by non fans and by even some so called fans. I have NOTHING but Respect for the pro-wrestling business and every who has ever step foot in that 20 x 20 ring.

I hid it because of other people and their disrespect of the profession and their ignorance to what actually goes on in that ring every single time two combats enter it. In hindsight I don't regret it because I guarantee it helped me avoid more than one argument or fight with someone. I will always go to bat for pro-wrestling, because this profession is my passion just like writing about is my purpose. However, now I am doing exactly what I said I'd never do I'm calling upon those people who have no respect for those who step in the 20 x 20 ring and take their lives each others hand every night.

The reason why I am calling upon those people is because I their help as I want to hear from them and I want to give them the stage as well as sometime. I'm opening the door and extending the "olive branch" you want to express your opinion I'll give the stage. All I ask is one thing have respect for the people who love the art form that is pro-wrestling and hid your ignorance for just a little while.

I'm giving you a Chance Don't Make Me Regret it!!! 


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