New Year and Change Has Arrived

This might be a little delayed, but still the reasoning is present. No matter what I posted on this blog it pretty much well received and I ignore it and ignore it and ignore always coming back being grateful and saying this would change. Well now I am going to say it one last time: Thank You for the continued support of this blog I will be forever grateful to each and every one of you that have viewed this blog over the years. To repay you all for the loyalty and respect you have shown to me I will try when I can to appear on this blog and write for you guys and gals when I can.

This is my New Year's Resolution for this Blog: 

- Exclusive Content for the Blog 

- To bet the amount of post's I did last year by March

- Reach our old numbers at least once this year 

Have a Belated Happy New Year!!! 

I'm going to say I'm back, but Let's Wait and See where this goes!!!


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