Double Standard Presents itself again

For years I have been preaching the fact that the WWE has an obvious Double Standard in the company among the talent and how they are punished/treated by the executives and other talents. I am aware that Double Standard has existed for quite a long time in the WWE, but I think in my book it started to become evident in 2009-2010 and has become worse ever since. Back in 2010 a Mid-Carder/Tag Team wrestler getting suspended in 2009-2010 for violating the wellness policy and someone else not getting suspend because he was in a top feud and then only getting suspend because the news came out of his failed drug test. In the past things like this have gone away because of the fact that I have tried to professional about it, but when they are holding back a very talented superstar for telling the truth, 'you have got to draw the line somewhere.' 

Anyone who may have been living under a rock for the last couple of weeks you don't know that we saw what was a good match, but was still John Cena vs Randy Orton for the "500th time" or so. One current WWE star was very vocal about the fact that Cena vs Orton was happening again instead of WWE trying to generate a match which puts new stars in the spotlight. This wrestler said "It is a new era of guys. It’s a new generation, and it’s a lot of fun to watch that because there are fresh match-ups. I mean, I’m sick of seeing John Cena against Randy Orton for the 500th time. It’s great that we have some new, young guys that can come out and provide absolutely great match-ups and for the fans there are fresh, exciting matches and things to watch.” Which I for one couldn't agree with more but sadly for this superstar has gone on a losing streak since speaking out about this logic of going back to what worked 5 years ago. I guess what I am saying is that this very talented superstar is being punished by continuing losing since speaking out even though his matches are usually among the matches of the night or is the match of the night. This logic of punishing someone for telling truth is very perplexing and questionable because of the current lack of roster depth in the WWE. Now onto how this is a Double Standard!!

Well fact is recently and over the course of the last few months one particular top star mentioned above has been frustrated and has felt undervalued by the WWE because of his standing with in the company. Now this top star has most recently complained about how the merchandise tables set up to show off John Cena just because he nearly doubles the amount of merchandise sold by anyone else. First off to that point of course Cena will double everyone is merchandise sales because look at how much more merchandise Cena sells then anyone else on the roster. Also WWE is under the impression that heels outside of Brock Lesnar, can't sell Merchandise so very little merchandise for heels if any if available. Which I totally agree with but two things hurt that logic: first heels shouldn't have merchandise because why would someone want to support a superstar they are suppose to hate. Second thing is that if your planning on turning someone their merchandise should slowly begin to appear back in the booth so people can jump on bandwagon and don't have wait for the merchandise to reappear.  But to the point I am trying to make the top star complained but is considered "bulletproof" and will likely not face any consequences for speaking out. While it is on my mind I just want to say since when did WWE become a dictatorship where your not allowed to freely speak your mind or express an opinion that goes against popular belief in the company. 

Look I don't care how many stupid, tired out expression people feed my way about "It's a dog eat dog world" or "Only the strong survive" or "Nice guys finish last." What about the expression we have heard on and off for the last year "It's Best for Business." How could someone say that punishing employees for speaking up and telling the truth and for lack of a better word saying that how creative books needs to change is good for business. How could someone say that not punishing a "Top Star" for speaking out or bad mouthing the companies merchandise set up, but punishing another superstar who is not a top guy for speaking out about his dissatisfaction with the companies repetitive booking. That my friends is a double standard, and I don't care who says that there is no reason to speak about it because nothing will change. I don't disagree but fact of the matter is that even if nothing changes WWE needs to make less obvious they have a double standard and more I guess equal among the talents. 

Author's Note: I didn't mention any of the talent by name because I as though I should keep that aspect private and if you who I am talking then great, but if not and are curious you can either visit a dirt-sheet or contact me twitter. :) 
I hope you enjoyed me venting and feel free to let me know your thoughts on this be sending your feedback on this or any topic on my site. Hearing from you guys is much appreciated and very much welcomed. 

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