Wrestlers Take on a Worthy Cause

As many of you people must know that over the last few months many people have taken the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge which entails a person pouring a bucket of Ice Water over their heads as a way to bring awareness to a worthy cause. Now I don't know a lot of details about this illness so I will not fill out any information about the disease because all I know about it is that Lou Gehrig lost his battle with ALS and ALS was the disease that ended Lou's career. But I am happy to see that people are doing good in bringing awareness to such a terrible disease. Below are videos of Pro-Wrestlers who took the Ice Bucket Challenge: 

Triple H Expresses His Views on the Ice Bucket Challenge 

Ronda Rousey Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge

Below is a link to Dana White Takes The Ice Bucket Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJoag41SHuc

For more Wrestlers That Took on the Ice Bucket Challenge Visit this link: http://fanvsfan.com/articles/wrestlers-step-up-for-a-worthy-cause/edit?current_step=2


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