WWE: Bad Booking of Brock Lesnar before Wrestlemania

As many people have noticed over the last few weeks leading into Wrestlemania this Sunday the strongest thing about Brock Lesnar has been Paul Heyman. That is because the creative team decided not to have Undertaker be touched for the entire build-up to Mania but it was scrapped last week when Brock attacked Taker and gave him an F-5. After the attack the backstage feeling is that Brock came off as a coward because it seemed like a sneak attack rather than a normal attack. Many think Brock should've been booked better over the last few weeks to seem like more of threat to the streak then he has been booked to seem like.

I have heard many people say that Brock has been booked real bad the last few weeks going into Wrestlemania which is disappointing because WWE creative should know that Undertaker isn't going to be hear forever and that his Mania matches are winding down so they should make them be as best they can other wise people will stop caring. Unless that is the plan that are making the Streak match seem like it means less to make the transition to Wrestlemania without Undertaker to see. That makes sense but I don't think that is case because Vince has never end something before it was ready to be ended before especially something that is as big The Streak but who knows. It's like everyone has said the only person that really knows when Undertaker's last Wrestlemania Match will happen is The Undertaker. The build-up for this one could have been a lot better, let's just hope the match doesn't disappoint. 


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