PPV Predictions

Lockdown 2014

(**Every Match Is inside of a Steel Cage**)

Bad Influence & Chris Sabin vs Great Muta, Tigre Uno, & Sanada

To my knowledge their isn't enough history for this match to be important or taken for more then just being a match to introduce the Japanese guys to TNA fans. If the Japanese guys are staying then I see them winning but if not TNA heel team wins. Because I do believe two of the 3 guys on the Japanese team actually have TNA contracts I would say Muta's team wins.

Samuel Shaw vs Mr. Anderson

It seem as though they have reinvested into Sam Shaw and that is a new project they are working on as a company. But I just think making him beat Anderson, a guy who just got out of the companies biggest feud with Bully Ray and was the winner of the feud it might be to much to soon for Shaw. With that being said I think Anderson wins tonight.

Gunner vs James Storm

Both of these guys are brawlers and can take a good beating in any match, like we saw in the Storm vs Roode feud. First time in a while that James is the heel in a feud so I see it as a chance for him to gain momentum. However Gunner can be a next big thing with them if handled right which is something I have been saying for the last couple of years and finally it seems like something is finally being done with him. To the point I made earlier about Storm needing momentum from his fresh heel turn because of that reason Storm will win the match

Ethan Carter's open challenge: It was reported last night that EC3 vs Kurt Angle was removed from the card after Angle got injured following an attack by EC3 which required surgery. Which is in fact the truth as Kurt has needed knee surgery for a while but put it off to go on the European Tour and is getting it now. Apparently EC3 will still be fighting tonight but I am unaware off whom he will be fighting so we have to wait and see.

(c) Madison Rayne vs Gail Kim

This feud seems to be tapping into the past these two had with one another when they were the Knockouts Tag Team Champions. I think a feud like this is exactly what the knockouts division need as it was very quite for a while and needed to be woken up again. But with fact that Madison just won the title back in January I don't think it's time for her to drop it back to Gail.

Team MVP vs Team Dixie for Control of Wrestling Operations of TNA (General Manager)

I was very surprised when we found out that MVP was the investor because I didn't think he would come back to the US any time soon as he really loved wrestling in Japan. But I guess he wanted to come home, it has been semi even not one team taking control over the last few weeks and being progressively in front of the other which makes it that them more difficult. However, since MVP just debuted in the company unless their is a bigger picture I think it's time for the faces to and give a little back to the fans. With that being said Team MVP wins.  

(c) Magnus vs Samoa Joe

The last time Joe was World Champion was back in 2008 when he headlined Lockdown with Kurt Angle which was and still is the most watched TNA PPV. This is Joe's match and would be very fitting to have him win the title, because it be like telling him here's the ball now run with it. However, I think they can do more with Joe not having the gold so partly because of how I think Lethal Lockdown will go I believe Magnus wins as Dixie wont want to lose everything.

This has the makings of a show with some potential for TNA but it just depends on how the matches go and the plans they have post-lockdown and leading into the June PPV. Who knows all we can do is watch and see what happens.


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