Interview with Independent Wrestler Xavier Cross

Welcome to another interview, today I spoke with Independent wrestling up and comer Xavier Cross. Xavier has been wrestling since 2009 but more recently has found a home in the young company On Point Wrestling, they just debuted last January. Now that I gave a little background let's not waste anymore time and let's get to the interview:

For the readers who may not know who you are why not give a little background of who you are & how you got into the Wrestling business?

XC: I am Xavier Cross. I started out in wrestling back in 2009. I went to high school with Matt Tremont and he is one of my best friends. The summer of 09 we went on a road trip and on the way back we decided that we really wanted to pursue wrestling. So when we got back we hit up a few friends of ours and started our training at Doc Diamonds Devastation University. I learned a lot when I was there and was trained mostly by Ron Starr.

When you were growing up were you a wrestling fan or no and if not where you aware of it? If you were a fan growing up was there any wrestlers specifically who made you say I am going to do this and be like them?
XC: I was absolutely a fan when I was growing up and I loved wrestling throughout my childhood and life. There were two wrestlers I saw when I was younger that made me say I really want to be a wrestler. The first when I was younger was Shawn Michaels. And then when I got a little older it was Trent Acid.

Who is the best opponent you have been in the ring with, & who did you enjoy feuding with the most?
XC: The best opponent is very difficult to choose I have been blessed with the opportunity to wrestle many very talented wrestlers. But I would say my best match was against Latin Dragon at Onpointwrestling's first show. My best tag team match was with my partner Drew Blood against The Best Around. The wrestler I enjoyed feuding with the most was without a doubt LJ Cruz. We have great chemistry and bring the best out of each other.

If you could have a dream match with anyone in the wrestling active or retired who would you pick and why. Also what type of match would it be Singles, Tag Team, Multi Man, Gimmick match, etc and if there was any specific reason to pick the stipulation?
XC: There are two guys I would love to work in a singles match that I'd consider a dream match. The first would be against Drew Blood. He is my partner in Highly Entertaining Wrestlers and is one of my mentors who I look up to in this business and we have always wanted to have that match but unfortunately have not. The other is Matt Tremont. Like I said we broke in together and throughout the past almost 4 years we haven't had a one on one match. Another guy I'll just throw out that I would like to wrestle would be Chuck Taylor.

Out of all the companies you have worked for which company you have liked working for the most?
XC: The company I most enjoy working for is On-point Wrestling. They give me opportunities there that I couldn't have dreamed of and actually make a good use of me and what I can do. Look out for On-point in 2014.

Have you modeled you’re in-ring or mic style after any or the past wrestlers or managers?
XC: I can't say I have modeled myself off of anybody in particular I just wanted to be different than what was common at the time in wrestling. I suppose I did take a little bit from a bunch of different guys and put a couple of those pieces into my overall person. As far as my in ring work goes. I don't really have a style or anything like that I just go out there and do whatever it takes to win and to keep the crowd entertained because that's what is really important.

Also if there is any event for a specific company or form of social media you’d like to plug feel free
Everyone can follow me on twitter @XCrossFabulous and you should also follow the other members of The Highly Entertaining Wrestlers Stan Stylezz @GYNORHINO Drew Blood @PhillyDrewBlood Loudy @Loudywood And also follow OnpointWrestling @OnPointWrestlin
The next onpoint show is January 4th in Sewell NJ.


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